Monday, March 3, 2008

Compliment From A Pampered Chef Customer

Hello Trudy:
I am writing to you to let you know that we received a compliment from one of your Customers, Angelee. She was very complimentary of the way you presented yourself and The Pampered Chef. Angelee said you were amazing. You presented yourself in ways that were beyond her expectations.
It is Consultants like yourself who are the heart of The Pampered Chef. You are a living example of the ideals of The Pampered Chef. Your effort won over a customer for life. Please be as proud of your accomplishments as we are. I am sending you some catalogs as a small token of our appreciation for your efforts in spreading the good name of The Pampered Chef.
Margarette Smetkowski
Consultant Career Solutions
Monday thru Friday, 3PM to 11PM CST

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